reps marzo 18, 2017


The preliminary Summer School program is already available

Aplication period: April 1 – May 8

In recent years there has been a substantial increase in both quantity and quality of research analyzing tensions between work and welfare, with the aim of identifying trends, institutional arrangements and policies of both spheres that best interact among each other. At a European scale, the objective of improving theoretical, empirical and applied knowledge constitutes a substantial piece of the necessary renovation of the European integration project itself.

The main goal of this Summer School is to make participants familiar with recent and high quality research developments in the field of employment and welfare interactions. The school offers lectures with discussions by renowned international scholars, with prior reading assignments. The participants will be also required to present and discuss their research project (e.g. postgraduate research proposal, in-progress or finished paper).

Who can apply?

The PROMEBI Summer School is mainly targeted at Master and PhD students with a social science background and specific research interest in the field. Participants will be granted a diploma after completing the school. ECTS recognition by the University of Oviedo is expected.

How to apply?

Applicants must send a CV to, together with a short outline of the project/paper they would like to present in the school (up to 500 words on rationale for the topic, analytical framework, and research strategy/methods used).They will be selected on the basis of their general fit to the school topic and the quality of their project/paper. Application period is between April 1 and May 8, 2017. Successful applicants will be notified by May 31. Final papers will have to be submitted by July 30 as word or PDF-file. All papers will be electronically available to participants.

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