The call for papers for the 11th ESPAnet Italy conference 13-15 September in Florence is now open.
28 panels are currently envisaged, the following six will be held in English:
Panel 1: Social investment in different socio-economic contexts: what preconditions? What impacts? (Chairs: Y. Kazepov and C. Ranci).
Panel 8: The rise of radical and populist parties between social needs and policies. Opportunities and challenges to European Welfare States (Chairs: E. Pavolini and M. Natili).
Panel 15: Beyond continuity, still a “Southern model” of welfare? State, market, family, political economy (Chairs: M. Jessoula and A.M. Guillén).
Panel 16: Social protection in the EU: could one speak of a “return of nations”? (Chair: J.C Barbier).
Panel 22: Social workers affecting social policies in times of permanent austerity. Challenges for theory, practice, and education (Chairs: R. Guidi and A. Campanini)
Panel 24: Trends in socio-economic inequalities in Europe (Chairs: P. Brunori and M. Triventi).
Please go to the following link for a description of each panel:
To submit a paper proposal, please fill out the form at this link:
and consult the call for papers at http://www.espanet-italia.net/call-for-paper-2018/
The paper proposal length should be between 500 and 800 words, and it is expected to:
– clearly state the main issue or research question that the paper intends to address;
– indicate the hypotheses underlying the research, the methodology used, and the relevant sources of information;
– highlight the paper’s most important research results as well as its potential contribution to the literature.
In line with previous Espanet conferences, panel coordinators will usually accept 4 papers (panels with more than one session will be an exception).
Panels will privilege:
– a comparative approach to social policy analysis, both within a given country, and at the international level;
– an inter and multi-disciplinary approach to social policy analysis; – the advancement of knowledge with respect to changing social problems and policies;
– a fruitful dialogue between scholars, on the one hand, and policy makers and practitioners, on the other.
Selection process
The deadline for submitting an abstract is 30 March 2018.
The local organizing committee will forward the paper proposals to panel Chairs.
Panel Chairs will classify abstracts as follows:
- accepted: the paper will be presented and discussed at the conference;
- accepted as online contribution (contributed paper): the paper will be listed in the program but will not be presented and discussed.
- not accepted.
Authors will be notified by email about the outcome of the selection process on April 15, 2018.
Authors of accepted abstracts are required to submit their paper by July 15, 2018 directly to the conference email address: espanet2018@gmail.com