«4th Transforming Care Conference – Copenhagen. Changing priorities: The making of care policy and practices» 24-26 June 2019.
Call for Papers open
Information about Thematic panels (TP) of the Transforming Care Conference 2019 and other general information: http://www.transforming-care.net/.
We also invite scholars to express their interest in submitting an abstract to thematic panels 11 & 12 organized by our colleagues Marga León (Universitat Autònoma Barcelona), Emmanuele Pavolini (University of Macerata) and Stefania Sabatinelli (Politecnico di Milano).
Thematic Panel 11: «Care as a labour market: Care occupations and professions between quality and contractual arrangements». Conveners and Discussants Emmanuele Pavolini, and Margarita León.
Thematic Panel 22: » What ECEC services in the context of rising child poverty?». Conveners and Discussants: Margarita Leòn and Stefania Sabatinelli.
Abstract submission will be open from November 1st to January 31st, 2019.