3 September 2020, 14h-15h30 Brussels time
Until recently the analysis of social welfare systems in Europe was totally disconnected from ecological concerns and policies. But the recognition that both areas are interlinked is gradually taking the upper hand. Environmental policies have important social impacts and social and welfare policies have environmental impacts and could mitigate the costs of environmental societal transformation. In this respect a joint analysis of the challenges and consequences of new developments and policies concerning both areas is very much needed. This webinar should provide the forum for an open discussion with the aim of establishing a research agenda on the interrelations of ecological and social policies.
- Eloi Laurent, senior economist at OFCE (Sciences Po, Paris), Professor at the School of management and innovation at Sciences Po and Visiting Professor at Stanford University,
- Adeline Otto, postdoctoral researcher KU Leuven – Centre for Sociological Research
- Ian Gough, Visiting Professor at the Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) and an Associate at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment (GRI), London School of Economics and Political Science TBC and
- Milena Buchs, Associate Professor in Sustainability, Economics and Low Carbon Transitions, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds TBC
- Host: Philippe Pochet, General Director ETUI
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